Jolly Avenue- 11/1/21

My students at Jolly Avenue are the kindest people, soft, warm and welcoming. I have been bringing my cameras to the garden to teach them about new ways of seeing. Seeing the garden as something alive, that grows and changes and teaches.

The commonalities between ourselves and this land are most evident when we take account of these treasured spaces. Watching the roselle grow… or is it sorrel… or hibiscus? It reminds me of how we are all connected, although we all come from different soil. It’s not too different.

I really do appreciate the way that they see.

There is evidence of so much life in our garden. I always tell my students that this land and all that grows within it is not separate from ourselves. As we feed it and care for it, it does the same for us.

Beautiful entanglements


 This garden is a healing place.